Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Well I believe...part II

This one is going to be pretty short. I'm going to continue the "Well I believe..." idea. Here it is:

All Christians must believe...that Christ died and rose again.

(there are some people who believe that Christ was never really dead...just almost dead; others believe that the resurrection was a hoax)

Is believing that Christ died and rose again something that ALL Christians MUST believe, or is it a side issue that can be debated? What do you think?


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Darin said...

Way to go Jes...you already hit my next topic...evolution. I will definitely drop a few questions about that, but for now I'm hoping to hear a few more about Jesus death/resurrection.

Thanks for sharing.

At 11:54 AM, Blogger christy marie said...

I believe that all Christians have to believe that Christ died and rose again. I was recently talking to my sister about some of the stuff in Leviticus. Leviticus is full of rules that hardly anyone follows anymore. Like not cutting the hair on the sides of your face. Or not getting a tattoo. Some people may follow these rules without even knowing it ... I'm sure not all of us have tattoos, right? But Leviticus says these things are sins. And I've heard Mike say that a sin is a sin is a sin. So I had a talk with my sister about that because I was confused. How can we (as Christians) take to heart parts of the bible but shake off other parts. She explained (now to me this makes sense, but correct me if she's wrong) that a lot of the rules in Leviticus were set forth because we had no other way to get to God. Now we have Jesus. Because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we can get to God through His sacrifice. I'm not sure if I used the best examples because I mentioned cutting hair and getting tattoos but do you get what I'm saying? Is she right? If she's not right, how can we explain to non-Christians or seekers why we follow parts and not others.


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