Thursday, April 20, 2006

Better Half

Ok, so both of you who read this (my wife and you) might have noticed that I haven't done a post for a few days. The truth is that I haven't had much inspiration to write about. It is a pretty busy month in my life right now. Our church is also preparing to move into a new building which is adding stress. Finally I haven't done a youth group in a couple weeks. This has all been a recipe for spiritual stagnation....thus a lack of inspiration...a lack of Blogging.

Do you ever get to that place? The place where you feel like your prayers are hitting a ceiling? Where the Bible just isn't speaking to you and isn't making sense? That is where I am. Now, I'm not "loosing my faith." I know that God hasn't removed me from His presence. I know that He is still right beside me...but I still feel so dry.

In this desert place I am thankful for someone who can challenge me spiritually and encourage me...Recently I was wanting to do something. I hadn't prayed about it, but I wanted to do it anyway. My wife asked me if I had prayed about it. I felt shame as I had to truthfully answer her, "I'm too mad to pray about it." Without her saying anything else, her question continued to penetrate my heart and point me to the truth that whether I was willing to admit it or not, I was in the middle of a spiritual desert and I was withering from thirst.

I am thankful that I have people in my life who can challenge me out of love. I hope that we can grow as a group to get to the point that we can challege each other; not with words of condemnation, but with simple words of encouragement.

How much have you talked with God today?


At 8:13 AM, Blogger darcy said...

Darin, one of the 4,899,261 things I love about you is your honesty. Thanks for being raw and sharing this with us. Love ya...

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It is nice to hear someone being really...every once in a while I feel like I am the only one in a desert. the desert is the time that I feel God hears me less...but really I believe he hears me loud and clear...because that is when I begin to notice the little things...the little, quietly answered prayers. I totally understand the is the hardest time to try and teach people because you feel as though God has placed nothing on your heart to share. Thanks for being real Darin...real, honest and sharing from the heart.


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