The Newest Work
It has been two months, so both my readers have probably given up on me, but I wanted to throw out this thought that God has given me in the last couple of days.
The story of the Lost or Prodigal Son is fairly well known. If you are not familiar with it, it is found in Luke 15:11. It is awesome. As I read the story I've always kind of wondered about one of the lesser characters...the brother.
As the story goes, one son asks his father for his inheritance early. He then goes out and blows it all. When he returns to his father, the father throws him a party. Meanwhile, while the first son was blowing it, the other son was at home faithfully working. When the first son received his party, the brother was a little less than thrilled. This son complained to the father that his hard work was not being rewarded.
The father reminded the son that "everything I have is yours." I've always read over this verse and thought "that is a pretty cheap pep-talk. I'll bet the son was feeling better after that." But then I realized the extent of this statement. This wasn't some pep-talk, the father was stating a fact. He was telling this son that every thing he owned would one day be this son's inheritance.
He was telling this son, "Keep up the good work. I've noticed it. You just haven't been rewarded...YET."
Sometimes life isn't fair. We try to follow God, yet things don't work out. Does God even notice that we are trying? The answer is YES. Keep following, keep being faithful. Our inheritance is coming.