Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Call

I'm going to take a quick break from our "Well I believe..." series...because I'm loosing a little bit of energy for it, and I think everyone else is too. So, it will be back...just not this week.

Have you ever heard of Moses? Here is a short list of his accomplishments: led millions of people out of slavery into a free land; he was the person who received the 10 Commandments from God; got water out of a rock; stood courageously before one of the most powerful kings in the world; parted the Red Sea so that the people could escape from an army...Basically he was the greatest leader in world history (if you are a History buff, don't argue with me...I'm not looking for a fight...we can atleast agree that he was a VERY Great Leader).

But here is the thing. Moses wasn't great at the beginning of his life, he had doubts just like we do everyday. In addition to being doubtful he had trouble speaking, was a murderer, and was a coward.

Yet, despite all these flaws, God choose to use Moses. God has also called each of us to do work for His kingdom.

Here is my question: what has God called you to do? How is He using your life?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Well I believe...part V

Just a quick review of where we've been...have you ever been in a religious conversation where the person says something like, "it is fine for you to believe that, but I believe..." So, for the past 5 weeks we've been talking about beliefs. Each week we look at one belief and discuss if it is something that ALL Christians MUST believe, or is it open to discussion.

This week's topic should be another fun one. A basic belief of the Christian Church (Church in general- not the denomination) is that Jesus is the only way to heaven.

A few quick questions: where does this leave everyone who isn't a Christian? What about Ghandi...is he in Hell because he didn't believe in Christ?

Is the belief of Jesus being the only way to heaven something that ALL Christians MUST accept?

I can't wait to hear what you think.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Well I believe...part IV

This is now week four of this post series. Let me recap the point...It seems like everybody has their own "religion" today. People say things like, "You might accept that as truth, but I believe..."

For the past few weeks we've been looking at different beliefs. We've been discussing whether they are things that ALL Christians MUST believe, or if they are things that we can agree to disagree on.

A few weeks ago the topic of Creation/Evolution was mentioned. It this one of those basic issues that ALL Christians MUST accept?

I say no. While your stance on this issue will impact other parts of your faith, this is not one of the basic/core beliefs that you must accept to be a Christian.

So, where do I fall? My views on this have "evolved" through my life. When I was a child I probably accepted the creation account of the Bible. As I went through school I began to accept the Big Bang Theory and evolution. As my faith started to grow I blended what the Bible seems to say, with what science seems to say. Then I started to research creationism and read books by Christian scientists. I now am 100% convinced that the earth began in the literal way that the Bible says. I believe that everything was created in 6 days, that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth together, and that the earth is only approximately 6,600 years old. Now I know that most people who read this will probably think I'm crazy, and might even be laughing now (up until 5 years ago I would have thought I was crazy too).

I challenge you to do two things. The first is post your views on this issue. I promise I will not challenge your ideas unless you ask for my opinion on them (like I said- I don't think this is a MUST believe issue). My other challenge is for you to do some Creation Science research. You've already heard all about the Big Bang in science class. Why not do a little research about the other side?

Thanks for reading.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Well I believe...part III

Last week Christy left this comment on our blog. I think it brings up some great questions.

"I was recently talking to my sister about some of the stuff in Leviticus. Leviticus is full of rules that hardly anyone follows anymore. Like not cutting the hair on the sides of your face. Or not getting a tattoo. Some people may follow these rules without even knowing it ... I'm sure not all of us have tattoos, right? But Leviticus says these things are sins. And I've heard Mike say that a sin is a sin is a sin. So I had a talk with my sister about that because I was confused. How can we (as Christians) take to heart parts of the bible but shake off other parts. She explained (now to me this makes sense, but correct me if she's wrong) that a lot of the rules in Leviticus were set forth because we had no other way to get to God. Now we have Jesus. Because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we can get to God through His sacrifice. I'm not sure if I used the best examples because I mentioned cutting hair and getting tattoos but do you get what I'm saying? Is she right? If she's not right, how can we explain to non-Christians or seekers why we follow parts and not others. "

I'm going to post my ideas as comments, and would encourage everyone else to do the same. What do you think about these questions?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Well I believe...part II

This one is going to be pretty short. I'm going to continue the "Well I believe..." idea. Here it is:

All Christians must believe...that Christ died and rose again.

(there are some people who believe that Christ was never really dead...just almost dead; others believe that the resurrection was a hoax)

Is believing that Christ died and rose again something that ALL Christians MUST believe, or is it a side issue that can be debated? What do you think?