Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A worthy competitor?

Ron Brown is one of the most passionate, motivating speakers I have ever heard. He is a former U. of Nebraska football coach and does a lot of speaking for FCA. At a recent event he spoke about the reaction the Nebraska football team would receive when they went on the road. On the bus, in the hotel, and in the stadium they would always be welcomed with a loud chorus of boos. Opposing fans were not shy about voicing dislike for Nebraska. Why?...because Nebraska was good. Nebraska was a threat. Because Nebraska was such a threat, the other team's fans would become passionate about opposing them.

Coach Brown also pointed out that bad teams don't get booed by opponents. I was at the ND/Navy football game last fall. The ND fans neither cheered or booed. Why- Navy wasn't a threat to ND. Everyone knew it, so no one really cared.

So here is the question: are you getting booed as a Christian? Are you enough of a worthy competitor for Christ that the world boos you, or does the world take little notice of you because you aren't a threat?

Now, I'm not telling you to go out and tick off the world. But I am saying that if the world isn't taking notice of you, you aren't following Christ closely enough. If you are following Christ and looking like Christ, you will not fit into this world. People will notice.

Are you a worthy competitor?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


OK, I'm really excited about this excited that I'm not going to say much. On Sunday Mike challenged us to be encouragers. We talked some more about it that afternoon. Now lets put some action to this. I'd like everyone to just take a second to post a comment encouraging someone in our group. Let's hit a lot of people.

Note to everyone: most of the people who read this blog all attend the same church so we know each other. I do know that there are also many people who read this who don't go to our church, and thus don't know everyone (first let me say how glad I am that you read this!). Here is my challenge to you. Encourage someone else today. Post a comment on their blog, send an email, call them on the phone, or even send a letter.

Ready, set, go...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Where Credit is Due

Let's give credit where credit is due...

I attended Acquire the Fire last weekend. They talked a lot about the spiritual battle that is going on for our hearts. I also recently watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Last night I watched The Visitation. Both of these movies dealt with the spiritual warfare (if you are lost: God vs. Satan, Angels vs. Demons, Good vs. Evil...) issue. They showed the power that Satan has, and the terrible things he can do to people. I must admit that after watching the first movie I was a bit disturbed. After all, Satan is very powerful. In Jude 1:9 we are told "even the archangel Michael, when disputing with the devil..., did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" Even angels see the power of the Devil.

But before we get too scared, lets get a reality check here. We need to remember one critical thing- Satan and God are not equal/opposite in power! God is God and Satan is a fallen angel. Satan does not have equal power with God. Notice that even though Michael didn't speak against the devil he wasn't scared and spoke in the name of the Lord.

Understand that while there is a battle going on...God wins. God always wins! Never has God lost! God is All Powerful. He is Lord of Lords.

If you are a Christian do not fear the devil, for "the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)

Let's give the credit to God.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Back in the Boat

If you have a Bible, read Matthew 14:25-33. It is the account of Jesus walking on the water. I'll give you a brief sketch:

The disciples are all in a boat in the middle of a lake. They look up and see Jesus coming toward them walking ON the water. Peter (one of the disciples) displays his faith by getting out of the boat and walking toward Jesus. But then he begins to doubt and starts to sink. Jesus saves him and they get back in the boat.

Here is what we know for sure: Peter had a great amount of faith, but somewhere between the boat and Jesus he started to doubt. We also know that Jesus saved him and they got back in the boat where it was safe.

Here is what we don't know: how did they get back to the boat? Was Peter close enough to just reach up to the boat (probably not- read verses 30-31). Did Jesus walk beside him while Peter swam? Did Jesus help Peter to walk back to the boat? Did Jesus carry Peter back to the boat?

Here is the relevance: I have times in my life when I have great faith, and I have times when I have doubts. How does Jesus restore my faith and get me back to the boat so that I can step out in faith again?

Here is the question: How do you think Jesus got Peter back in the boat? How does Jesus help you to believe? Where do you need to have more faith right now?