Monday, November 27, 2006

Evil is Good

I am noticing an alarming trend. It is all around. It is not subtle, yet I'm not sure how long I've been aware of it. I guess that maybe is has slowly been working its way into the moral fabric of our nation. Many times it appears to be a misplaced ideal in New England or California, but a few weeks ago it slapped me in the face in a local newspaper.

It was the lead story on the front page. It had a color photo and its print covered about 1/2 of the page. The story was continued on another page. All together almost an entire page was dedicated to the story. The headline read, "I Miss My Buddy." The story was about a boy/family who was missing one of their friends. One of the boy's past teachers had gotten in some trouble and this boy, his two sisters and the family were missing him. The article went on to tell of all the great characteristics and qualities of this man. It was almost heartwarming...except for the fact that it made me want to vomit.

This "wonderful man" is being held in our local jail on multiple counts of having sex with a minor. He has not been convicted, but the case seems fairly open and shut.

My problem is not with the family. I am sure that they are shocked and confused right now. My problem is with the paper...and the rest of society who is doing this awful thing:

Isaiah 5:20: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness...

My desire to vomit was caused by a newspaper trying to call a child predator a good guy. However this is just a specific example of the broader problem. Not only does our society refuse to call evil evil, we are now starting to call evil good. Sadder yet is our habbit of calling good evil.

Here is what I mean. Think of how homosexuality is being glorified in parades, sitcoms, reality shows, and movies. Think of how fetal stem cell research is portrayed as the magic pill which will cure all diseases (although fetal stem cell research has not provided a single advance while stem cell research has provided many advances). How about Ghost Whisperer and Medium. Oh yeah, and what about the great morals on Desprate Housewives.

While these evil things are being glorified, the Christian who stands up and proclaims truth is being called intollerant, ignorant, and ungodly.

This post is not a "call to arms." It was not written to get you to attack a person who is struggling (we all struggle and sin- that is why Jesus came). I simply hope that you can resolve to stand in your own home, your own thoughts and your conversations to call good good and evil evil.

Monday, November 20, 2006


1 Peter tells of something almost indescribable. It is something so great that it can make you "greatly rejoice" even though you "suffer grief." Though you have never seen it, you can be "filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy." It is something that the great prophets of the Old Testament "searched intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which" this would be revealed.

It is something so great that...are you ready for this one...seriously, you'd better sit down. OK here it goes: 1 Peter 1:12 "...Even Angels long to look into these things."

Wow! Can you imagine something so great that Angels long to look at them! That must be something spectacular. What is this thing? It is the gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

I'm pretty sure that both people who read this (I love you Darcy and Mom) are already Christians. With that in mind, here is my question. Do you remember that you are saved, and do you have joy about it? I know that it is hard to be joyful when life is tough. There are many days that it is hard for me to smile too. But, lets try to remember the amazing gift of grace and the joy that comes with it.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Election Results

Something very important happened on Tuesday night...I was finally able to watch TV without chucking large, heavy objects at it every time my favorite shows were interupted by politicians throwing mud. Thats right, the election is finally over. As I sat on my couch on Wednesday morning I was wondering what the results would be. I didn't have to wait long to find my answer. It didn't come from TODAY or Good Morning came from my Bible.

Colossians 1:15-18 "He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities...He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy."

The results are in. The people elected to office are the ones that Christ willed to be there. It is that simple. Christ is SUPREME. He is in control and he has brought all rulers into power.

There is one more important thing to notice however. The Bible does not say that he brings the best rulers into power or even the most Godly, honest or morally sound. It simply states that he brings leaders into power.

You may be happy about the election results, or you may be sad. One thing you can be sure of. If you pray "...thy kingdom come..." you can know that your prayers are being answered and brought closer each day. It may be near, it may be far, but Christ is organizing the world's affairs in his will.