The Call
I'm going to take a quick break from our "Well I believe..." series...because I'm loosing a little bit of energy for it, and I think everyone else is too. So, it will be back...just not this week.
Have you ever heard of Moses? Here is a short list of his accomplishments: led millions of people out of slavery into a free land; he was the person who received the 10 Commandments from God; got water out of a rock; stood courageously before one of the most powerful kings in the world; parted the Red Sea so that the people could escape from an army...Basically he was the greatest leader in world history (if you are a History buff, don't argue with me...I'm not looking for a fight...we can atleast agree that he was a VERY Great Leader).
But here is the thing. Moses wasn't great at the beginning of his life, he had doubts just like we do everyday. In addition to being doubtful he had trouble speaking, was a murderer, and was a coward.
Yet, despite all these flaws, God choose to use Moses. God has also called each of us to do work for His kingdom.
Here is my question: what has God called you to do? How is He using your life?